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About The Author And His Creative Work

Valery Grigoryevich Tsvibel was born in the city of Petrozavodsk (USSR, now Russia) on July 12, 1950 .
For the long course of his life, Valery Tsvibel worked as a concertmaster in various educational institutions of his home town.
From 1976 to 1980, Valery Tsvibel worked in the beautiful sunshiny city Chita (Russia). In Chita, his family was formed and his first first son was born. Valery Tsvibel has the brightest memories about Zabaikalsk-period of his life.
Petrozavodsk School of Arts #1 was one among of the educational institutions where Valery Tsvibel worked. Valery Tsvibel worked in this school from 1989 to 1998. In this school, he started to write his music notes’ collections.

Since 1998, Valery Tsvibel has been living in Jerusalem.
Music-making lessons play key role in Valery Tsvibel’s work. The name “lessons” is a conditional name. Two adjacent pages of music notes’ text, the first of which has an odd number, and the second has an even number are called a “lesson” by the author. In each of the author’s collection, there are NINE such “lessons”, and the whole collection is printed on ten sheets. Therefore, “lesson” is a learning guide that can be printed from Valery Tsvibel’s any collection and placed on a reading stand for students. Teacher or student decides by themselves what kind of pedagogical meaning to inspirit into these “lessons”. Lately, the author writes each of his play-sketch on one sheet. “Music-making lessons” are conceived by the author as a learning material for piano playing beginners but these “beginners” may not necessarily be small children. The music in “Music lessons” is not CHILDISH MUSIC.

The author’s musical creativity work has began on the fifth decade of his life in Russia (late 90-s), and people who officially supported him at that time had to be extra brave.
At the moment the author is in his seventies, he lives in Jerusalem. He is full of creative ideas, but he always heartily remembers his main inspirer and defender of his creative work – VICTOR SAULOVICH PORTNOY – the professor of Petrozavodsk Conservatory named after Glasunov.
May the God grant him all the best!
Valery Tsvibel.

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